

Column types are incorrect: the way data is displayed or edited in the webapp is not as expected

The plugin’s Visual Webapp uses the Original Dataset’s schema to display, sort, filter data and enable editing in the most appropriate way.

When a column meaning was defined explicitly, the webapp will use it; otherwise it will consider the storage type instead.

When making changes, restart the webapp to have them taken into account.


When following the steps from the “How to Use” guide, uploading the orders dataset and using it as-is in Visual Edit, the webapp would look like this:

Tshirt price and quantities are not seen as numerical columns: column types are shown as “Text” in the webapp (below column names) and as a result we can input any type of data in them. This is expected, because all storage types were “string” in the uploaded dataset, and no column meanings were set explicitly. Here is how to fix:

You can now test the webapp with a few edits. Here, you should only be able to input numerical values when editing tshirt price and quantities.

The plugin’s webapp/recipes are not behaving as expected

Relationship between webapp and recipes

About the Replay edits recipe


About the Apply edits recipe

As a result of the above: